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Why are we worried about Islam?

Is it because in our hearts we know it wants to conquer us by any means it can think of, or do we fear war with it?

Let us imagine that there is a plan to launch an army on us. What would it look like as an attack plan?

We all know that Islam has had a Jihad or war on Christianity since the crusades. The crusades lasted around 50 years but Islam’s war against Christianity has lasted hundreds of years. Islam effectively has been at war with us for centuries.

It took centuries for Islam to grow strong enough to attack Europe. When it did, it was under the auspices of the Ottoman empire and came out of Turkey. The troops were stopped at the gates of Vienna, in Austria. And subsequently repulsed. That was though, a close call.

A modern plan though has been developing. It is much more frightening too, both in its simplicity and purpose.

In the Koran, there is a 3 stage process to take over society. First people immigrate and settle in the host society as peaceful Muslims, stage 2 is when there are sufficient numbers they start to erode the host society and call its values into question, escalating to demands to support the Islamic faith. Then when there are sufficient numbers, conversion to Islam is compulsory at the point of a sword.

Islam to my knowledge is the only religion that does not preach love and tolerance. It is a religion of aggression, subjugation and death.

We need not fear the nuclear option because that is not Islam’s plan. They want to enslave the people and the land. So destroying both with nuclear weapons is not likely.

The first part of the planned attack is under way. Mass immigration being used to transport hundreds of thousands of soldiers into the host societies. Weapons are being stockpiled too. Our generosity to immigrants is being used as a weapon against us and is seen as weakness.

At the same time, it was necessary to have war to battle harden the elites of the attack. That was ISIS. The Jihadis and senior soldiers are now mostly returned home successfully to their host countries ready to help the main attack. Meantime they will recruit, train, and foment minor trouble and nuisance.

I believe that the main attack will come from Turkey. Turkey spans both sides of the Bosphorus and is therefore joined to mainland Europe. The Bosphorus is only 700 meters wide at some points so can easily be closed by Turkey. Thus a massive army can cross it quickly.

Bulgaria is in the frontline of the army and will fall quickly under the onslaught, with Romania and Hungary following. The line of attack will be to follow the Danube and then the Rhine.

Another army will turn south west, down through Austria to attack Rome and remove the Vatican once and for all.This army may go on to attack southern France.

Meantime the main Army will strike up into Czech republic, Germany and ultimately Holland. It will rip out the Industrial heart of Germany. Paris too will be attacked and will fall.

As the attack commences all those Jihadis will launch attacks on their host societies. The already small, but very dangerous European armies, will be stretched to breaking point by sheer numbers of Islamic attackers.

Think, in the UK we have some 23,000 Jihadis or shall we say high risk Islamics. Our entire army is just 98,000 regular troops and some 30,000 reserves. The Jihadis in the UK are likely to wage guerrilla warfare on our troops, and it is highly likely that there will be demands from Europe for our troops to answer calls for help from the EU army. We will be stretched to the maximum.

I suspect Russia will come to our aid in Europe at that time. The result will be Islam launching a chemical warfare attack on a scale never before seen, laying waste to a swathe of land maybe 150 miles wide to the west of wherever they launch the chemical weapons which may be slightly west of the Rhine. Prevailing westerly winds will blow the chemicals further west increasing the devastation, and providing an attack proof no man’s land for centuries.

I suspect too that the USA will come to our rescue, probably base itself in Spain, and the allies of UK, USA, what is left of France, and Russia will wage a protracted war to evict Islam from Europe.

At the end the population of Europe will be decimated.

Turkey has a well trained and supplied Army. It is quite formidable.

Add That Turkey is a member of NATO and has access to just about all of Europes military secrets, strengths and weaknesses.

Then add that under Erdogan, Turkey is becoming an extremist Islamic state.

For 2-3 years now, I have watched Turkey and wondered when is the attack coming? It is long overdue.

The mess in Syria as the West tried to overthrow Assad was very instructive. Yes without doubt Assad is a brute of a man, but he was keeping the lid on things. Obama and his liberals led the charge to overthrow Assad. Sadam Hussein was of course our first lesson in not meddling with Pandora’s box. Gaddafi was the second. Assad could have been the third.

Assad though has managed to steer his country through quite a mess, and not get ousted. Partly as he is backed to the hilt by Putin.

As I understood Syria, ISIS wanted to oust Assad because he was the wrong sort of Muslim. ISIS attacked out of Northern Iraq, using stolen oil sold to Turkey, to fund themselves. ISIS then came under attack from the Kurds who are denied their own state by Turkey and Iraq. Such a state would be in Northern Iraq and South East Turkey.

Obama funded the Syrian rebels to overthrow Assad, who came under attack from Russia, who have a great interest in Syria as Russia has essential Naval Bases there.

Turkey attacked Syria, supporting its rebels, only withdrawing when Russia enters the conflict.

Yup quite a mess, and quite something to get one’s head round. Russia eventually gave considerable help to finish off the Syrian rebels, and Isis. The demise of which was greatly helped by Trump bouncing Clinton and the demise of Obama.

In spite of the result Putin has done a deal with Turkey and they are pals again. One can only speculate what either side has paid or gained. Leading one to suspect Putin wants Turkey close so he can make sure Russia is in a position to deal with Turkey if that occasion arises. Remember too the strategic importance of the Bosphorus for the Russian Navy. The Crimea is an important epicentre for the Russian Navy. Murmansk its other big base is of little use in the depths of the Russian winter, and an awkward journey to make to be anywhere useful in the world, quickly. 18 months ago Turkey had a trial of strength with the Russians about sailing in the Bosphorus, in the end Turkey backed down.

Turkey under Erdogan is a very dangerous country. It is being moved by Erdogan into being an Islamic extremist country. The coup against him last year, was either staged, or more likely a very ill managed coup, that Erdogan foiled by calling on the Mosques to get their people on the streets so that the army would not shoot at the people. The success of Erdogan is such that he is cementing his power base in the country and becoming a new dictator. He still wants to join the EU, and is particularly keen on freedom of movement, one can only guess that is because his troops could travel to where he wants them before he initiates war.

Erdogan’s vociferous rants against Trump at the UN about Jerusalem, is an example of how he is getting to grips with the Islamic world. He is getting them used to the idea that he is their front line leader to create the new European caliphate.

It cannot be long before this war is launched upon us.



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