We are at war, with an elite.
Today lets be mindful of the Coudenhove-Kalgeri plan. Why? Because this evil is running along in the background and I have just noticed some prominent names making sure they get their CK awards. The award is known as The Charlemagne award.
Try this nasty little list for size:
2018 Macron
2017 Timothy Garton Ash (Guardian journalist)
2015 Schulz
2014 Rompuy
2012 Schauble
2010 Tusk
2008 Merkel
2006 Juncker
2003 d 'Estaing
2000 Clinton
1999 Blair
1987 Kissinger
I have selected this from a list and so edited it, but none the less do any of theses names look familiar? They should do. Several of these names are in the news almost daily.
These people are also often referred to as Bilderbergers. After the fancy Hotel where they meet their New World Order brethren. Prominent NWO people are Rothschild, Soros, Rockefeller, Kissinger.
The CK Charlemagne award is awarded to anyone recognised as being of service to the CK foundation in promoting its agenda of mass third world immigration into Europe with the deliberate intention of creating an interbreeding population, with the ultimate goal of debasing the intelligence of the people of Europe to make them submissive to the desires of the elite. The elite are of course the NWO. I have paraphrased this section.
That anyone should want to create such a scenario is shocking.
When I first read about this 3 years ago I was shocked. I talked of virtually nothing else to anyone who would listen. Crazy things suddenly made sense. The people who ranted about Bilderbergers and the NWO stopped being crazy but full of common sense.
Merkel's madness about immigration suddenly made sense.
Written into the EU constitution is the tenet of mass third world immigration precisely to make the people more malleable.
It is not madness. It is real. There are people hell bent on doing this to us. We never had a chance to stop them by Democratic means except Blair, but we only found out about his connection too late. Blair opened the floodgates of mass immigration into the UK.
When it comes to senior people in the EU, they are determined to make NWO and the CK aspirations come true. Nothing has stopped them yet.
We know with article 21, The UN is also in NWO power and control. They have crazy depopulation policies and mass immigration plans to make the world into 3 zones controlled by the NWO elite.
Look at Macron strutting around while France fills with migrants. Remember he is the one sponsored by Soros and Rothschild. He won arguably the most corrupt French election ever. Ballot papers for Le Pen, not Macron, were spoiled before being sent out, by being cut and mailed in uncut envelopes......Stopping literally millions of potential votes. That case is still running in the slow French justice system and will probably run on all the while Macron is President.
Just like the prosecution of Le Pen for posting Islamic atrocities, while she was an elected official and had the right to do so with immunity from prosecution, yet the prosecution has now retrospectively prosecuted her as she is no longer elected and no longer has immunity from prosecution. That case will also run for some time to prevent her being able to stand as a candidate.
Americans may well wonder what Clinton had to do with it. One can only surmise that he provided US pressure to persuade people to go with the NWO plot. Look at his "peace agreement" in Ireland. Shall we say he is a schmoozer?
Two things have happened whereby historians may say, "that was the moment the NWO fell". First Brexit, and Second Trump. Both shattered the road the NWO was following. Trump is still draining the US swamp but this year 2018 looks set to be very revealing. Rothschild is grumbling that the NWO is not only under attack but broken. Soros is buying gold.
The biggest part of their Empire, the EU, is crumbling under popularist pressure, the people of Europe waking up to the evils of an EU applying pressure for more integration and control.
The Visegard countries in the EU are standing up to the EU and saying no. Hungary, Poland, and Czech Republic.The EU is furious.
BREXIT threatens the financial security of the EU as a whole, as well as inspiring more people in Europe to be anti EU. The EU is well aware of this and seeks to crush Brexit in every way possible, running our weak PM ragged with impossible demands for negotiations. At the end of the day she will have no choice but to walk out of such protracted negotiations with ever moving goalposts and demands for extortionate sums of money.
Meantime mass immigration continues at a pace flooding us with unemployable people who will live off us like parasites, placing pressure on health services, housing, and benefits, often bringing the nasty elements of third world culture, disease, and crime with them. As the Czech PM said " why should we spend our money on third world migrants and not look afer our own". In particular he meant health services and pensions. Why indeed should we not pay our pensioners better pensions rather than squandering money on third world migrants?
The Euro financial crisis looms every day like the cartoon character right off the edge of the cliff and running like hell before falling into the abyss.
The downfall of these arrogant men, their vision of an elitist world where we are nothing but slaves, can only be good. Freedom is everything a sane person wants. Big Government always means less freedom.